What is more productive and wholesome than a forty five minute trip through a beer tasting on a bright but blustery Spring day in Springfield, Vermont? Joe and the other folks at Joe's Wine & Spirits host such an informative event at least once or twice a month, even when it isn't snowing - one always walks away fortified with new information, and at least one new beer to try, (McNeil's was today's favorite, hmm). With over one hundred breweries, who says there's no fun in Vermont?

The Northshire Brewery offering, Equinox Pilsner, was a pale and truly flowery splash of freshness at the start, followed by that large plain open area encountered in delicate beers, closing with a contrast that did nothing to erase the opening encounter with Violets.

There was a mid-grade amber offering as well, a Brown Lager from Trapp Brewery in Stowe, Vermont - beautiful to regard with it's dark auburn light, but deceptively light in flavor and with almost no bight to reveal an alcohol content, and with almost no effervescence to speak of. It was a pleasant and refreshing beverage to be sure, but would easily pass as a wheat-based health drink to uproarious effect.
The winner among the gathered observers was the Black Belgian Stout, Growlers, with hearty mein and beefy toast and a friendly 7.5% content.
A good time was had by all. Contact Joe's Wine & Spirits directly for upcoming events.