This writer spotted a Robin in the Pear tree yesterday - I stopped to watch him trying to eat the small frozen fruit of the decorative Pear, unfazed by my proximity, observing me but unwilling to leave this spare meal as I snapped a picture to record the unfortunately timed meeting. I wondered, this early Robin surely didn't know that the ground isn't thawed enough to provide the worms and bugs in the soil that he needs.
Standing at the traffic light by the plaza a couple of minutes later, I noticed that the Cranberry trees there were alive with Robins, and so were the the Apple trees at the studio as I drove up - a fall of dozens of far too early Robins wandering around in shock, hmm. The photos do not convey the full effect of seeing them in person. Global warming effects everything badly, what a world!

Los pajaros de Verano han llegado demasiado temprano - una pena, dado que sus comidas preferidas incluyen gusanos y tales cosas (de momento cubiertas con nieve y hielo) y no recuerdo haverlos visto comer de arboles durante su temporada normal.