the link to this video is here http://youtu.be/jzeXQurJc_M
- Tired of the endless battle with heads of lettuce that would really rather just be wilting on a dock in Antigua?
- Fed up with the breakage that results as you try over and over again to coax that miserably small plastic bag over the boisterous mass of green leafage?
- If you value your Lettuce, and take pride in quickly and expeditiously re-stocking your grocery shelf with this delightfully versatile staple of modern life, then you will appreciate the following video - http://youtu.be/jzeXQurJc_M
For more information about commissioning your own kicky new video, contact Edward Huse directly at edhuse.com@gmail.com, or see the notes here http://www.edhuse.com/2012/02/efficient-lettuce-bagging-another.html