Visible from outer space, Springfield, Vermont, is a garden of delights - and it has the honor of having been voted "Official Home of the Simpsons"! What more can a town ask for? Potholes and broken pavements you ask? Heck, we have more than One Thousand And One Potholes, all along whole stretches of the public byways that are more like random staircases then level roadways - and they are apparently here for good, with more to come!
Visible desde el vacuo del espacio, Springfield, Vermont, es un verdadero Jardín Encantado - ¡además de tener el honor de haver sido elegido Sede Oficial de los Simpson! ¿Que más puede pedir una ciudad - calles en malas condiciones con mogollón de baches? ¡Eso si, baches tenemos tambien, y a montón!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Springfield, Vermont - City of Lights
garden of delights,
springfield vermont