Traffic could be seen stopped and watching along the roadway across on the other side of the frozen Black River, even as crowds gathered along the hilltop overlooking Pearl Street, producing lines of cars and traffic jams rarely seen in Springfield, Vermont, as apparently all citizens with a police band radio or within site of the hideous column of smoke, came out to the edge to look down as into a fiery cauldron, to look down on the astonishing progress of the fire fully involving the Victorian Village Farmhouse in roaring flames, as equally brisk in devouring wood at the recently repaired gingerbread porch as at the carved fairee decorations at the peak, dressing the entire home in a hideous golden sheen and drenching the neighborhood with a disarmingly beautiful and rich golden glow.

At one point, a gas tank of some kind was seen to suddenly burn off it's outgassing contents in a long bluish flame of about four or so feet long. The fact that it was sitting outside in front of the house suggests that the lady living on the first floor there, known to use an oxygen tank in the home, had time to leave the house, and it is hoped that there were no injuries in this unfortunate house fire.
After photos will follow tomorrow.